Rate it * You Rated it * 0. Februar 2021. The doctor did a splendid job setting the bone, but Gwen was required to stay off her feet for eight full weeks. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Alec was more often than not in town, and Hugh was, more often than often, wherever his horses were. Hugh let out a sigh. Choose from JQ's Subscribe Options →, Alec's name was originally Marcus. “I’m sure Carolyn has assembled quite a guest list. So who will Hugh choose? When it comes to gentlemen, did Connie invite the horse-mad but irresistibly handsome Earl of Briarly? The Lady Most Likely... by Julia Quinn,Eloisa James,Connie Brockway. He’s practically my brother.”, Alec nodded absently. What the devil had got into him? Amazon. And then August (so tantalizing), and September, and–. The Lady Most Likely: A Novel in Three Parts: Amazon.co.uk: Quinn, Julia, James, Eloisa, Brockway, Connie: 9780749957766: Books. Alec hummed to himself as he approached the massive stables. “He is a nuisance. The Lady Most Likely is a historical romance anthology with a delightful difference. And your hostess, Lady Carolyn Finchley, an irrepressible matchmaker who plans to find the lady most likely . “I’m busy.” He waved an arm toward the stallion, which, Alec had to admit, had calmed down remarkably during the conversation. Wählen Sie die Kategorie aus, in der Sie suchen möchten. The Lady Most Likely…. The Lady Most Likely is an utterly charming concoction, a novel written in three parts by three very good friends: Julia Quinn, Connie Brockway, and myself. It might be rather entertaining to be an eccentric. A really, incredibly, viciously foul-smelling ointment. Rezension aus dem Vereinigten Königreich vom 11. “You should ask her about it sometime,” Alec said. “Look,” she said, jerking her head toward the window. She’ll be along this evening.”. “Carolyn,” Alec said, giving her a polite bow and a sly smile. Alec felt his whole world drop by two inches. Luckily for both of them, Miss Passmore entered the house when Alec reached nine, and he did not have to force the issue. There is no mention of an innkeeper, but I am sure his wife is named Rosemary. Please make sure to choose a rating . Although she would probably say yes if he did. The Lady Most Likely...: A Novel in Three Parts: Quinn, Julia, James, Eloisa, Brockway, Connie: 9780061247828: Books - Amazon.ca They had been fast friends in college and then at university, but after that, their meetings had been sporadic. The Lady Most Likely is a historical romance anthology with a delightful difference. Wählen Sie ein Land/eine Region für Ihren Einkauf. There had been nothing wrong with him at all–until she found out that he wished to make his primary home in London. “Charters” was his father, a gruff and strict old man who had never met a bit of his son with which he did not find fault. “Her bimonthly meeting of the Society of Bird Collectors was the day we left. Two had been rejected out of hand by her father, one had been nixed by her mother (“I know his mother,” she had said, “and there is no way I am subjecting my only daughter to that.”), and the last–Lord Pennstall–she had almost accepted. “Darlington,” Hugh said. Normally, this would have been utter torture. “We shall have a party, you and I.”. Hugh nodded, then jumped back when the horse let out an aggressive snort. There was nothing to be gained by it; her mother had made up her mind and there would be no budging her. Her mother was devastated. She admits it freely. Do tell.”. She supposed it couldn’t be worse than a London season. “Gwendolyn Passmore,” she groaned. Audio. Or maybe a groan. I tell you, I don’t know what to do with Hugh these days.”. Finden Sie alle Bücher, Informationen zum Autor, First Comes Scandal: A Bridgerton Prequel (The Rokesbys, Band 8), Four Weddings and a Sixpence: An Anthology, The Lady Most Willing...: A Novel in Three Parts (Avon Historical Romance), Rokesby - Der Earl mit den eisblauen Augen, Because of Miss Bridgerton: A Bridgerton Prequel (The Rokesbys, Band 5), Bridgerton: The Viscount Who Loved Me (Bridgertons Book 2): The Sunday Times bestselling inspiration for the Netflix Original Series Bridgerton: The ... Series Bridgerton (Bridgerton Family, Band 2). “I do think we have him close to proposing, Gwennie. I loved the Duke of Bretton's dry sense of humor so much in. “Finchley Manor is in the Yorkshire Dales. Hugh Dunne, the Earl of Briarly, needs a wife, so his sisterhands him a list of delectable damsels and promises to invite them—and a few other gentlemen—to her country house for whatis sure to be the event of the season. The thought of spending the rest of her life in London, acting as his hostess, throwing parties and arranging salons–it was unbearable. 1997 – Das Romantic Times Magazine nominiert Everything and the Moon für den besten historischen Regency-Roman. Twisted in Time: A Romance About Past Lives... (A Twisted Series Book 1) (English E... A Twisted Series — Books 1-3: Romances About Past Lives (English Edition). Hugh Dunne, the Earl of Bria…. Buy New. Hugh pressed his fingers to his temples, an action Alec would not have endorsed, considering the state of his gloves. She looked at Carolyn. But the carriage accident that had taken his father had also taken his mother, whom Alec had deeply and honestly mourned. A Novel in Three Parts. Wählen Sie eine Sprache für Ihren Einkauf. I thought this was great, entertaining and very funny and it introduced me to connie brockway whose novels i have not read before so thanks! I hope you don’t mind. “I thought we were going home next week.” It did not matter that the London residence bore her family’s name; to Gwen, home would always be Felsworth, the huge, rambling estate in Cheshire where she’d grown up. Hugh never worried about anything that wasn’t equine. Dezember 2010, Vorherige Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, Nächste Seite verwandter Gesponserter Produkte, HarperLuxe; Large type / Large print Edition (28. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. Nachdem Sie Produktseiten oder Suchergebnisse angesehen haben, finden Sie hier eine einfache Möglichkeit, diese Seiten wiederzufinden. 2 Personen fanden diese Informationen hilfreich, Rezension aus Deutschland vom 25. to capture her brother’s untamed heart. He hadn’t seen his good friend in months. Bitte versuchen Sie es erneut. “I had them make me a list.”, “A list. Eloisa James named the local village Parsley, so naturally I had to name the inn The Sage and Thyme. Alec looked out but so nothing out of the ordinary. He had been very kind, and he was rather handsome, too, and only eight years her senior. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. “Octavia Darlington,” she said, with enough delight that one would think they hadn’t seen each other just one week prior. She’d done everything right, or so their great aunt Darlington (who had acted as chaperone) had told them. We are here to celebrate fresh clean air and morning dew and all that, aren’t we?”, “Do I have to awaken in time to enjoy the dew?”, She gave him a smile that was really half-smirk. For the first time ever, New York Times bestselling romantic fiction superstars Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, and Connie Brockway join forces to produce a novel in three parts. The outspoken, delightful Kate Peyton? But each time someone commented on it, she could do nothing but stammer and blush, because she knew as well as all the rest of them that Venus was standing in her clam shell with her hair covering only one breast. Isn’t that splendid? The Lady Most Likely... — Julia Quinn. It is almost directly on our way to Felsworth,” her mother explained. Welcome also to Series Sunday! He shook his head, then put his hand on the door handle. But she also says she’s haughty.”, “Damn.” Hugh released a pent-up breath. He was far too serious. By June, Gwen was counting the days to the end of the season. Exhausted. At that his friend raised his head and gave him a frank stare. The Lady Most Willing... by Julia Quinn,Eloisa James,Connie Brockway. Smile a bit!” and “Be more cheerful!” Gwen wanted to please her parents, and she would have loved to have been one of those girls who laughed and flirted and was the life of every party. When Laird Taran Ferguson ‘s nephews refuse to wed and secure his birthright, he takes matters into his own hands, raiding a ball and kidnapping four likely brides—a bonny lass, an heiress with a slight reputation problem, a rich English beauty, and a maiden without a name or a fortune. Gwen just couldn’t do it. “A thousand. I also find they are great if you want to try out a new authour and dont want to plunge into the expense of a large novel. “As do you.”. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. And her eyes were quite lovely, the same color as his, actually–a clear, crisp gray. As you all know, my favorite books exist in series. “We shall stop off on the way. She had memorized DeBrett’s. Want to Read. She invites several eligible young ladies to her house party with the aim of finding a bride for her brother. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. If he doesn’t work fast, he’ll lose those ladies to the Earl of Charters or Captain Neill Oakes, and then where will he look for a wife? Etwas ist schiefgegangen. It’s much more intimate. He’d never been to Finchley despite his longstanding friendship with Hugh. The journey wasn’t so long as to require breaking up by anything more than a few nights at inns, but Gwen didn’t bother pointing this out. “You would prefer to stand out here like a lackwit than cross paths with Gwendolyn Passmore?”. It didn’t exactly sound as if Hugh were scolding him, but it felt like it, all the same. The idea of this book is very very good, having three (very talented) writers write a part each, but the result is not. Though considerably inaccurate concerning the language ("You just scared the sh.. out of me. Ich hab das Taschenbuch schon öfter gelesen. “Your family really does have difficulty producing boys.”, “It’s only funny if he’s not your cousin.”, Hugh did not look amused. The Lady Most Likely is a historical romance anthology with a delightful difference.For the first time ever, New York Times bestselling romantic fiction superstars Julia Quinn, Eloisa James, and Connie Brockway join forces to produce a novel in three parts. Still, Octavia was his sister, and so he said, “Don’t be ridiculous. Flip to back Flip to front. “Do you know who will be in attendance?” Octavia asked him. Hugh gave him a powerfully irritated glare. The Lady Most Likely...: Quinn, Julia, James, Eloisa, Brockway, Connie: 9780062017994: Amazon.com: Books. Just another carriage at the entrance to the house, depositing its owners–a young woman and her parents, from the looks of it. Listen Playing... Paused You're listening to a sample of the Audible audio edition. Learn more. “Well, don’t tell Hugh,” Carolyn said to Alec. Whatever it was that Hugh was doing to the beast, it was working. Wir verwenden Cookies und ähnliche Tools, um Ihr Einkaufserlebnis zu verbessern, um unsere Dienste anzubieten, um zu verstehen, wie die Kunden unsere Dienste nutzen, damit wir Verbesserungen vornehmen können, und um Werbung anzuzeigen, einschließlich interessenbezogener Werbung. “I have wonderful news!” her mother exclaimed, rushing into her room. “Who else is on the list?” he asked. “Someone must explain to me how things are done.”. Sie hören eine Hörprobe des Audible Hörbuch-Downloads. The Lady, the Chef, and the Courtesan: A Novel a The Lady, the Chef, & the Courtesan a novel marisol To kept promises A woman must be a lady in the living r 642 110 1MB Read more She did not enjoy dancing with strangers, and the mere thought of being at the center of anyone’s attention was terrifying. Stattdessen betrachtet unser System Faktoren wie die Aktualität einer Rezension und ob der Rezensent den Artikel bei Amazon gekauft hat. Eloisa James is a USA Today and New York Times bestselling author and professor of English literature, who lives with her family in New York, but can sometimes be found in Paris or Italy. “One more,” Hugh said. Write your review. Alec had enjoyed living up to his name when he was Darlington. Gwen knew that this meant she would have to endure another season, unless she somehow managed to find the perfect husband back home. Combining contemporary romance with suspense and elements of the paranormal, American novelist Catherine Bybee is an extremely popular author with a lot to say.
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