Fiche Technique 'Nom/Code produit' Rechercher Accueil Produits VEHICULE LEGER POIDS LOURD FDDS FICHES TECHNIQUES Vidéos produits Catalogue produits Couleur L'héritage de … Ich hab die Anbieter hier gesehen...für quasi original Max-Meyer-Abmischungen. 62 talking about this. Add to cart. Suche. Produktdatenblatt 'Produktname/ Produktnummer' Suche Novità! During the 1930 through to the 1980's MaxMeyer coatings worked hand in hand with the Italian automotive industry. This section contains useful colour identification information for MaxMeyer paint lines. This articles is from With 6 volts and 25 …, Veloce books, the British motorsports publisher responsible for at least …, To maintain the Vespa Scooter battery life then it is …, Originally Published : For those of you with crappy …, Vespa Scooters – Classic 2-stroke models – The Essential Buyer’s Guide, How to Make your Own Classic Vespa Spark Plug Cable, How to Change A Classic Vespa Rear Brake Shoes, Vespa VB1 1958 Restoration Project (Part One), 1967 Vespa 150 Super Restoration Project (Part 1 of 5), 1967 Vespa 150 Super Restoration Project (Part 2 of 5), 1967 Vespa 150 Super Restoration Project (Part 3 of 5), 61 Vespa VBB Restoration Project (Part 6 of 6), 61 Vespa VBB Restoration Project (Part 1 of 6), 61 Vespa VBB Restoration Project (Part 2 of 6), 61 Vespa VBB Restoration Project (Part 3 of 6), 61 Vespa VBB Restoration Project (Part 4 of 6), 61 Vespa VBB Restoration Project (Part 5 of 6), Vespa Scooters – The Essential Buyer’s Guide, Vespa 125 Super (VNC1T) 150 Super Sprint (VBC1T) Parts Book, Vespa Rally 200 Electronic, 1977 (VSE1T) Wiring Diagram. Ich möchte meine Rally so Lackieren?.Danke im Voraus! Specifically, it used the Light Blue-Grey: MaxMeyer 1.298.8840. From its foundation in 1895 in Milan it produced a colour paint product by dispersing powder into linseed oil. The original Vespa paint codes are for the Max Meyer Paint Company. Riproduzione con tintometro e vendita di colori originali per carrozzeria ed edilizia. Ich brauch ne Spraydose (zum Gesamtlack dazu (den ich erst noch auftrage))...und am liebsten hätte ich eine Farbe die ich standardisiert bekomme und die dem originalen nahe kommt. Viele weitere Lackierungen mit Vespa Fotos, Lackinfos und Farbcodes. Specifically, it used the Light Blue-Grey: MaxMeyer 1.298.8840. MaxMeyer è l'azienda leader in Italia nella produzione di vernici e prodotti per professionisti e bricolage. Gia è difficile fare una lista colori piaggio per i ciao,perchè ci vorrebbe un campione per ogni colore per confrontarlo con il campionario max meyer,figuriamoci trovare i riferimenti Ral! MaxMeyer coatings has a history of passion in colour. März 2009 in Vespa PX, T5, Cosa etc. Alle Lacke können für dich angemischt werden. Tabelle colori originali Vespa Piaggio ed auto moto, Tabelle RAL. Rivenditori ufficiali Max Meyer… Specifically, it used the Light Blue-Grey: MaxMeyer 1.298.8840. Max Meyer Paint Code: "BluePavone" 1.298.0983. Vespa125 (V30T) Max Meyer Paint Code:"Green" 6002M. Beispiel: 1.298.7230 = Max Meyer Blu 230. 11.06.2013 - Fotos lackierter Vespas in der Lackierung Max Meyer Avorio 909. If you are using the PPG paint then you may need to download the Max Mey [...] Add to wishlist Reviews. The second three digits is a batch code, “268” for Maxi-car; “298” for Bi-lux. MM Ford Colour Code 2005-2015. The 5th digit is the color group: 0 for metallics; 1 for whites; 2 for yellows; 3 for browns; 4 for oranges; 5 for reds; 6 for greens; 7 for blues; 8 for greys, and 9 for blacks. MM Car and Moto Colour Directory Maxicar® and Duralit®, This site uses cookies to ensure that it gives you the best experience on our website and for gathering information in accordance to our cookie policy. Max Meyer Farbcode: 1.298.7402. This section contains useful colour identification information for MaxMeyer paint lines. Vespa125 (V33T) Max Meyer Paint Code:"Green" 6002M. The second three digits is a batch code, “268” for Maxi-car; “298” for Bi-lux. Lackierung in Piaggio Vespa Originalfarben, Originallack, RAL-Farben & viele weitere Lacke. Mmm, sul sito di Max Meyer non lo trovo proprio questo colore! RAL Classic is a colour matching system mainly used for varnish and powder coating but nowadays there are reference panels for plastics as well. Ignore the M at the end. 96,00 TL tax incl. DeVilbiss Wall Coat & Clear Glass Coat. The next 3-digits is teh color code that should be easy to match in the PPG catalog. The mix of colour and protection led the way for future developments. max meyer ppg nexa glasurit schwarz metallic 9001m *0001 44bnb ma959.86 schwarz metallic 200 *0036 ma962.30 schwarz gold 9002m *0020 46feb weiss pastello 1002m *0022 - sa112.73 weiss pastello 200 *0036 sa161.50 weiss perlato 1001m *0010 45jeb ma033.50 anthrazit 8003m *0019 46fdb elfenbein 3001m *0012 44xpb sa247.10 elfenbein star 200 *0031 sa247.50 1963 Vespa 50 * Green: MaxMeyer 1.298.6301 * Inside Gray Primer: MaxMeyer 8012M 1963 Vespa 90 * Baby Blue: MaxMeyer 1.298.7210 * (Fork, Hub, Flywheel, etc.) Colour Code Identification. MM Car and Moto Colour Directory Maxicar® and Duralit ®. Farbcode ( Ral ) Max Meyer 908 Farbcode ( Ral ) Max Meyer 908 Von Alm, 11. However since PPG moved the online catalog from the public to a secure site it is had to get the conversion online but your paint shop should be able to help. Vespa125 (V15T) Max Meyer Paint Code:"Green" 6000M. Den original Farbcode steht meist auf einem Aufkleber in der Nähe des Tanks. Può essere che … Codice Max Meyer Codice Max Meyer Denominazione Anno V espa 50 V espa 90 V espa 125 V espa 150 V espa 160 V espa 180 Ape 50 (V espa Comm) Ape 125 (V … The final 3-digits should match the color code in a PPG catalog – but the online PPG catalog is no longer available to the public so your paint shop may have to help.See the attched article that originaly was published in the. If you continue to use our website, we will assume that you consent to receive the cookies, as explained in our cookie policy, unless you change your cookie settings, USA IMPORT AND DOMESTIC CAR CODE LOCATIONS, MM Car and Moto Colour Directory Maxicar® and Duralit. ! MULTIMAX BIANCO RAL 9010 LT 0,75 (MM) marca MAX MEYER. RAL 3024 colour belongs to RAL Classic Color System, a colour matching system mainly used for varnish and powder coating but nowadays there are reference panels for plastics as well. That is 0 for metallics; 1 for whites; 2 for yellows; 3 for browns; 4 for oranges; 5 for reds; 6 for greens; 7 for blues; 8 for greys, and 9 for blacks. The 8-digit code was first used on the 1960 Vespa 125. La MaxMeyer è un'azienda italiana attiva prevalentemente nel settore chimico e delle vernici. 357 350 Vespa Farben Vespa Farben2020-12-07 16:20:162020-12-07 16:20:20Vespa Cosa: Azzurro Cina 402. Se sei un rivenditore o una carrozzeria MaxMeyer, visita la nuova Area Riservata per trovare tutte le informazioni indispensabili all'attività in carrozzeria, compresa la sezione dedicata ai Download! If you are using the PPG paint then you may need to download the Max Meyer to PPG conversion chart. MAXMEYER ® vanta una vasta gamma di strumenti colore pensati per soddisfare le esigenze del verniciatore.La passione di MaxMeyer per il colore è innegabile: dallo sviluppo di una tecnologia semplice da applicare allo strumento Specifically, it used the Light Blue-Grey: MaxMeyer 1.298.8840. Hallo Leute!kann mir vielleicht jemand den Farbcode ( Ral ) für die Farbe von Max Meyer (908 Giallo Karakiri) sagen?. Maximum performance, minimum effort: Easy to choose, easy to use. Please choose your requirement from drop down menu. Type your color in the box in the left, it doesn't matter the format and how you space RESA: 8-11 m²/litro per mano Strumenti e diluizione MM OEM Colour Code Location. Be the first to write your review! Vespa Paint Codes all years and models really really handy table to for getting original paint colours in todays paint codes so you can walk into the shop quote the number and your done eg - SS90 Peacock Blue: MaxMeyer 1.298.7220 The first digit is going to either be a “1” (single-stage paint) or “2” (metallic paint). The 8-digit code was first used on the 1960 Vespa 125. Type your color in the box in the left, it doesn È stata fondata a Milano da Max Meyer nel 1895, con il nome di Colorificio Italiano Max Meyer Scegli il tuo colore Includes copies of Orders of Code of Fair Competition for the Millinery Industry; letters from National Recovery Administration, H. Rose, Chief, Code Record Section, re appointment of Meyer as Director and Chairman of the Code Authority of the Millinery Industry, 1/8/35 and routine. Riferimento: max meyer ral Non sempre troverai una corrispondenza RAL con tutti i colori delle varie case automobilistiche, anzi quasi mai. Die letzten drei Ziffern des meist achtstelligen Piaggio Farbcodes beinhalten den Max Meyer Farbcode. RAL-1003 giallo segnale signal yellow #F6AC00 246 172 0 RAL-1004 giallo oro golden yellow #E4A400 228 164 0 RAL-1005 giallo miele honey yellow #C59300 197 147 0 RAL-1006 giallo mais maize yellow #E49900 228 153 0 Comunque,per tua informazione,per fare una lista comparativa max meyer-ral,bisognerebbe fare la stessa trafila,con lo svantaggio però che saranno simili,ma non uguali agli originali!! MAXMEYER ® brand offers your bodyshop a coincise range of quality easy to use refinish products.Thousands of repairers trust MaxMeyer as the brand able to meet their daily challenges and to provide them with the best solutions to their needs. The Max Meyer Codes are made up of a 5 digit or 8 digit number. PPG Max Meyer; PPG Quickline; Presto; Raykon-Raymax; Rotowash; ... 400 ml, RAL Codes. Le migliori offerte per Ral SMALTO-Vernice MAX MEYER BRILLANTE 1x 0,75 Lt .TINTE RAL Vulkeol sono su eBay Confronta prezzi e caratteristiche di prodotti nuovi e usati Molti articoli con consegna gratis! Acquista online Destinazione: Interno/Esterno -lamiera zincata, pvc, alluminio, vetro, metallo e leghe leggere. Special Offers. RAL Code . Earn 449 Reward Points £ 448.40 £ 384.00 Price: (inc VAT) ACDelco Professional Li-ion 12V 3" (75 mm) Mini Polisher ARS1207 Earn 162 Reward Points £ 169.99 £ 145.00 Price: (inc VAT) MaxMeyer è il marchio del Gruppo Cromology specializzato nella produzione e commercializzazione di vernici... Facebook is showing information to … Paint Type . Share Google+ Print 91,20 TL tax incl.-5%. 7. From our foundation in 1895 MaxMeyer have prided ourselves on our ability to deliver easy to use, high performance products supported by an outstanding colour offer. MM OEM Colour Code Location with labels. The first digit is going to either be a “1” (single-stage paint) or “2” (metallic paint). The first digit is going to either be a “1″ (single-stage paint) or “2″ (metallic paint). Viele weitere Lackierungen mit Vespa Fotos, Lackinfos und Farbcodes. Vespa125 (V1T) Max Meyer Paint Code:"Green" 6000M. Dezember 2020 / von Vespa Farben. RAL 3024 colour belongs to RAL Classic Color System, a colour matching system mainly used for varnish and powder coating but nowadays there are reference panels for plastics as well. Però ti ho trovato il corrispondente RAL del Candy Red: Però ti ho trovato il corrispondente RAL del Candy Red: RAL 3024 The 8-digit code was first used on the 1960 Vespa 125. That’s why at MAXMEYER® colour is our passion. Aluminum Quantity. 11.06.2013 - Fotos lackierter Vespas in der Lackierung Max Meyer Avorio 909. Spray on / peel off protective coating for spray booths. The meaning of the codes are as follows; Read the Article Vespa Colour Codes Cracked on how Colin Judd cracked the Max Meyer PPG conversion codes. The original Vespa paint codes are for the Max Meyer Paint Company. The 1st digit is the color group. Max Meyer Umrechnungscode Max Meyer Umrechnungscode Von Frostfox, 1. MaxMeyer listened to the needs of the painter and is launching HS Clear 0520. 13-mag-2013 - Fotos lackierter Vespa Roller mit allen Lackinfos und Farbcodes! As part of PPG Industries, MaxMeyer benefits from the expertise and experience of a world leading coatings manufacturer. Sicherheitsdatenblatt; Produktdatenblatt; Sicherheitsdatenblatt 'Produktname' 'Produktnummer' Suche. Vespa Roller in unterschiedlichen Max Meyer Lackierungen, mit allen Lackinfos (Farbnamen und Farbcodes). MAX MEYER PPG NEXA GLASURIT SCHWARZ METALLIC 9001M *0001 44BNB MA959.86 SCHWARZ METALLIC 200 *0036 MA962.30 SCHWARZ GOLD 9002M *0020 46FEB WEISS PASTELLO 1002M *0022 - …
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