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Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. “Nine o’clock,” John replied as they walked out into the hall. There's not really any crude language though, or anything TOO inappropriate, in my opinion. I'm sure she can whip him into shape though. Unfortunately, it could have been any number of things, all of them deliciously sexual. All because of a cat and the forced time they had to spend together on the roof, Billie and George are noticing things about each other, and, just maybe, discovering they don't dislike each other after all. Like Ankon just said, we had a very short story of Violet and Edmund in The Bridgertons Happily Ever After. And then he felt even worse, because it was probably true. Good God. Inside and out. George gets stuck on the same roof as Billie when his rescue goes terrible wrong. His was a life of carefully cultivated dissolution. Or amplify it. “Sorry,” he said, offering her the lopsided smile he so frequently affixed to his face. Billie Bridgerton and George Rokesby, Lord Kennard, do not like each other. HISTORICAL GOLD, HISTORICAL Gold extra KEINE Julia Quinn mehr! In his less polite moods, he used a different adjective entirely. The old martinet had been so proud one would have thought she’d been born a Stirling, rather than simply married into the name. of New Mexico until 1857. This book was a nice change from some of the books I've been reading recently, so that was a definite plus for it there. She didn’t like to be thwarted, and she certainly did not enjoy admitting that she might not be able to arrange her world —and the people inhabiting it— to her satisfaction. Historical fiction books show kids a glimpse of the past through the relatable eyes of a story. Romance set against the backdrop of Regency England were the first Stephanie Laurens ever read, and they continue to exert a special attraction. And now Francesca was the Countess of Kilmartin, married to his cousin John, who was one year his junior, but in the Stirling household always treated with the deference due the elder; he was the heir, after all. If I were in her position, even if I didn't want to show the person that they'd hurt me, I wouldn't be all YES PLEASE KISS ME AGAIN after just having been told that it was a mistake. “It’s nothing.”, John managed a smile. It was fun because I tend to like the sort of love-hate/bickering/opposites-attract dynamic, which is somewhat present here. He could spend a sennight cataloguing all the reasons why he was going straight to hell for having chosen John’s wife with whom to fall in love. “Shall I strangle him or will you?” She rewarded him with a devious smile. He had a duty to marry, be fruitful and multiply. He’ll find his happiness as he sees fit. They had to actually want it, and if they didn’t— if Michael sensed even a hint of unease, he turned and walked away. 2: Books Four-Six, Stay in Touch! “With Lord Liverpool?” Francesca queried. “I assure you,” Francesca continued, idly trailing the pads of her fingertips along the surface of the piano keys without actually pressing any into sound, “I’m well aware of whom I married.”, Her lips pursed in a peevish crease. Michael dares not speak to her of his love… until one dangerous night, when she steps innocently into his arms, and passion proves stronger than even the most wicked of secrets…. Well, not exactly. “Good evening, gentlemen,” she said, clearly basking in her undivided male attention. I love Billie Bridgerton. “Just Like Heaven” had everything I love about Julia Quinn’s novels: fantastic dialog, the focus is on the h/h, lots of witty humor and well-drawn characters. I felt it was an attempt at some level of angst and it failed. Official site of best-selling historical romance author Julia Quinn including up-to-date info on upcoming books, excerpts, giveaways, book recommendations, and peeks behind the scenes. “Never get them myself,” Michael admitted, leading her down the steps to the pavement. For Michael Stirling, that moment came the first time he laid eyes on Francesca Bridgerton. She would never speak of it, of course, never even allude to it. His voice was gentle, but his meaning was clear. Because of Miss Bridgerton (Rokesbys, #1). “What?”, “Oh, you know,” he said wryly, “all those things I have to do to prepare for a life of dissolution and aimlessness.”. “It’s not my anniversary,” he reminded her. [Arbuthnot literally sidles out the door while George and Billie are confessing their love to one another. blog, Because of Miss Bridgerton by Julia Quinn -- 3 stars, Because of Miss Bridgerton (Rokesbys #1) by Julia Quinn, [Start Date: May 09, 2016], Krissy, Emerson, Nathalie & Lauren - Because of Miss Bridgerton, Sinopsis en Español // Synopsis in Spanish, 32 Historical Romance Series to Binge-Read after 'Bridgerton'. Maybe he could go home and draw a cold bath. “I should introduce you to my sister,” she said. Besides, what need have I? That being said, Because of Miss Bridgerton ended up being more meh than any of the previous “You do?” Francesca asked, her eyes lighting with interest. “Just give me a moment,” she said, pausing in the doorway. Besides, he couldn’t resist her. But, he thought with a snort as he slouched into the sofa and propped his ankle over his knee, watching them across the drawing room, laughing and smiling, and making nauseating eyes at one another, he could have another drink. This was the worst—when she actually touched him. [Happy yes, with a cute epilogue. Super Zustand. Because of Miss Bridgerton was immediately my favorite from the very first page. “And that is all I am going to do.”. “She’s been a bit peckish all day, with the rain. In fact, he probably would be doing just that if his grandmother had found a way to manage it without actually taking the family into trade. “You’re young enough. [Mature audience. Kindle Edition. On escaping from the dry world of professional science to carve out a career as a writer, Stephanie published either Regency romances, then turned to longer, historical romances set in the Regency period. Michael nodded. “What do you say, darling?”, “I have an appointment in an hour,” John said, consulting his pocket watch, “but you should go with Michael.”. But when she smiled at him he couldn’t say no. Kate Quinn's love of history was inspired by her mother, a history scholar, who told her bedtime stories about Julius Caesar and Alexander the Great.Kate attended Boston University, where she earned a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Classical Voice whilst at the same time writing her first novel, Mistress of Rome.Now Kate lives in San Diego with her husband. Said she’s been feeling uncommonly closed-in.”. She took a deep inhale, then let out a sigh. And besides, he’d never seduced a virgin, and he’d never slept with a married woman. And if he was lucky, blue eyes as well. John, whose father had raised him and taught him to be a man. Bridgerton is historic romance gold.” ... “The new series is based on the popular Bridgerton novels by Julia Quinn. “Not always,” she said, her voice warm and teasing. He certainly couldn’t manage words. Was Francesca trying to kill him? Choose from JQ's Subscribe Options →, Did you notice that one of the major scenes is set at Violet Bridgerton’s birthday party? Michael swallowed reflexively, then covered it with a sip of his drink. (Though I still think Hugh/Sarah > George/Billie when it comes to bickering and love/hate. “Of course you do. “You love it there. Wtf? If she’d been fifty years older and not nearly so attractive, she would have made quite a fine companion for Grandmother Stirling. The 2021 Grammy Awards winners will be revealed on Sunday, March 14 in a two-part ceremony at the Staples Center in Los Angeles. By Rachel Mcgrath For … John, with whom—. But George does carry Billie, because of her sprained ankle, to Crake House. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, an. “I’m sorry about that,” John said, once Francesca had left. “It’s growing late,” Francesca said. But as she reached the bottom, she frowned. Refresh and try again. John of course just thought that he was saving his cousin from needless feminine nagging; there was no way he could know the truth— that Michael was trying to compute the level of guilt one might feel for being in love with one’s cousin’s wife and one’s wife’s sister. $4.99 #35. She is best known for her Bridgerton historical romance series--the basis for the hit Netflix show, the Splendid trilogy, and the Smythe-Smith Quartet, among others. And he knew John. Which always left Michael a little worried. I thought the kiss scene was awkward to begin with. Michael did his best not to flinch. “We should all go for a walk,” Francesca said suddenly. “Do you want me to have someone wake you?”, John shook his head. “Lucky you.”. Which would then remind him the guilt. And although John had never said so, Michael knew that he felt guilty for having not fought for England on the Continent, for remaining behind while Michael faced danger alone. Or maybe it was just that he knew how blue they were. Free Sex, Free Porn, Free Direct Download. It pains me---truly PAINS me--to say this, but I could not get into this JQ novel. (Well, not the scene itself, but what initiated it.) 4.1 out of 5 stars 58. Oh very well, one ought to remain true to oneself, even while living a lie— he’d slept with married women, plenty of them, but only the ones whose husbands were rotters, and even then, not unless she’d already produced two male offspring; three, if one of the boys seemed a little sickly. “Is something wrong, darling?” she asked John. “So much for my attempts to be a lady of mystery.”, He kissed her again. He’d have had it printed up, even —his was just that sort of black sense of humor— if he weren’t convinced it would kill his mother on the spot. #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. There was no working title for this book. Probably not. She just looked at you with that direct stare, her lips curving ever-so-slightly, and–. There would never be a kiss, never a meaningful glance or touch. Find the top 100 most popular items in Amazon Kindle Store Best Sellers. “I’d just finished telling Michael that I was planning to do just that. He could see it on a calling card. “Of course not,” he murmured. Booktopia - buy online books, DVDs and Magazine Subscriptions from Australia's leading online bookstore with over 4 million titles. Marriages of convenience, high-society scandal sheets, and fully clothed flirtation...yes, we must be talking about historical... To see what your friends thought of this book. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. She didn’t need to roll her eyes. But she didn’t. “I detest headaches myself. 24107 Suchsdorf. I can see it in your eyes.”. 3.5 Stars Let me start off by saying I love me some Julia Quinn. March, 1820 And so he laughed, and was very merry, and he continued to seduce women, trying not to notice that he tended to close his eyes when he had them in bed, and he stopped going to church entirely, because there seemed no point now in even contemplating prayer for his soul. “I’ll ask my valet myself.”. It was a wonder he didn’t drink Kilmartin Tea and sit on a Kilmartin-style chair. It wasn’t as if it was going to change John’s mind about the laudanum. John nodded. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Eigentumswohnungen zum Kauf in Franken - Alle Kaufangebote in der Region finden Sie bei “Thank you for taking her for a walk,” John said, standing up. When she was feeling sarcastic, or ironic, or sly, it was all there in her voice and the curious tip of her mouth. Michael could have kissed him for his interference. Michael managed a tight smile. was fun, but definitely not Quinn's best. Apparently, this series is set before the Bridgerton series, and we get to learn a couple of things, such as the birth of "The Mallet of Death". “I didn’t say you had to marry her,” Francesca said. In fact, I almost didn't finish it. Rake he might be, but there was no need to torture the woman who’d borne him. And of course it was. “To Scotland?” Francesca asked, pressing gently against B-flat on the pianoforte. Those of you who have read. George is a new character. Even my computer files still just say, “Francesca Folder.”. Lord and Lady Kilmartin. “I think it’s fairly clear to all who know me. Michael had no idea why no one had thought to offer their surname to one of the residences; Stirling House had a perfectly respectful ring to it, in his opinion. by Avon. Well, not exactly. Michael averted his eyes as his cousin actually blushed. “Just a headache,” John said. We. “I’m always quick.”. “I’m so often merry?” he repeated, knowing that was how the world saw him —they called him the Merry Rake, after all— but hating the word on her lips. But I want you to be happy.”. My friends are right: this is a very good book, but not up to Bridgerton's series. As if he cared to witness their anniversary celebration. And, oh, man, Quinn should've had more scenes of George being silently insanely jealous, because I found those to be the most amusing parts of the novel. John nodded, closing his eyes for a moment. Because her presence was all he was ever going to get. “Yes, but I met Francesca.” John shrugged helplessly, as if that ought to be explanation enough. He snorted into his glass of whisky. Paypal (Freunde) möglich.-----Verkaufe als Privatperson, KEINE Rücknahme, KEINE Garantie This was the one transgression (and he’d had many) that was finally going to blacken his soul, or at the very least —and this was assuming he maintained the strength never to act upon his desires— make it a rather deep shade of charcoal. And his moods, since falling in love with his first cousin’s wife, were not often polite. George gets stuck on the same roof as Billie when his rescue goes terrible wrong. Ah, bloody hell. Ozark star Julia Garner poses in eye-catching stripy knit dress in behind-the-scenes Instagram snaps from Critics' Choice Awards. I wanted to see a bit more too though – especially with the family’s reaction to Billie and George. He still didn’t. 12 historische Romane Liebesromane Frauenromane wie Julia Quinn. But she won't be the one inheriting, one day it will be her younger brother. Even the one still in leading strings.”, “She’s not in—” She cut herself off, grinding her teeth together. However, when Billie is stuck on a roof after trying to save a cat, George is her unlikely rescuer. Booktopia offers thousands of eBooks, daily discounted books and flat rate shipping of $7.95 per online book order. This book was a nice change from some of the books I've been reading recently, so that was a definite plus for it there. Kids learn so much about history when reading these types of chapter books. [Edward's missing! More proof that John had no idea of Michael’s feelings. It’s not such a long journey if your carriage is well-sprung.”. However, it was clear who they were actually into. And he certainly wasn’t strong enough to deny himself an hour in her presence. Michael cleared his throat. —from Michael Stirling to his cousin John, the Earl of Kilmartin, posted from the 52nd Foot Guards during the Napoleonic Wars George was jealous of his brother though for being close to Billie, and Billie was jealous of another girl who kept on clinging onto George. “I know,” she said, oblivious to his distress. Versand möglich. Kindle Ausgabe. (you know before she had eight kids and more about her and her husband's love story) lol, See all 20 questions about Because of Miss Bridgerton…, Nenia ✨️ I yeet my books back and forth ✨️ Campbell, Review posted on The Eater of Books! I still gave it more than one star because there were glimmers of the old magic in there (e.g., sibling squabbling with Andrew), but overall, this was an enormous disappointment. ARC Provided by Edelweiss for honest review. Rather than simply being versions of contemporary romance stories transported to a historical setting, Regency romances are a distinct genre with their own plot and stylistic conventions. “I know,” she said. The Academy Award winner appeared from home, as she honored the Chief Medical Advisor to … HISTORICAL Gold – Begehrenswerte Frauen, ... ihrer Familie auf einer Zeitreise durch die Jahrhunderte in den mitreißenden Geschichten von Bestsellerautorinnen wie Julia Quinn, Loretta Chase, Kat Martin und Lynsay Sands. I take Tea with Violet Bridgerton, and Other Mugs, Ebook Bridgerton Collection Vol. $19.99 #9. Maybe he could get out of this jaunt with Francesca. Michael glanced over at John, giving him a look that clearly said: Save me. The last two books in the Bridgerton series and the first Bridgerton prequel all in one e-book volume! Francesca turned to Michael, her eyes startlingly blue, even in the candlelight. Julia Quinn has 77 books on Goodreads with 2185423 ratings. No one had expected him to go to war. Billie is Edmund's older sister. “The two of you always have such a fine time together,” John added. Did he really need to do this to himself? “I always know how you feel, darling.”. Lord above, but he truly did not want to know the meaning behind I’ll be quick. Michael produced an excellent forgery of a smile and lifted his glass aloft. From #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn comes the story of Daphne Bridgerton, in the first of her beloved Regency-set novels featuring the charming, powerful Bridgerton family, now a series created by Shondaland for Netflix. [After Billie and George first kiss, he follows it by telling her it was a mistake. “When is your appointment?” Michael asked. It made him feel frivolous, without substance. [his brother, Edward, and where he might be, [information on Edward and his possible whereabouts. “You are so beautiful,” he whispered. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published He seemed to dream in blue these days. After a lifetime of chasing women, of smiling slyly as they chased him, of allowing himself to be caught but never permitting his heart to become engaged, he took one look at Francesca Bridgerton and fell so fast and hard into love it was a wonder he managed to remain standing. We’d love your help. “Poor John,” Francesca said, stepping outside into the brisk night air. Then some annoyingly perceptive soul might actually take notice, and —God forbid— inquire as to his welfare. Aww, I'm so glad I stopped torturing myself with a bad series and followed up with Julia Quinn. He’d seen her with that expression quite frequently, usually in her dealings with her brothers. “I’m simply unused to being asked for advice regarding anniversary celebrations, as it is clear I have no talent for marriage.”, “You have never tried marriage,” Francesca pointed out. A subtle reminder that they were a unit. “Am I to become your project, then?” Michael asked, a bit unkindly. I think it's brilliant. But then again, it didn’t much matter, did it? Julia Roberts honors Dr. Fauci for his pandemic work during star-studded virtual amfAR benefit. Regency romances are a subgenre of romance novels set during the period of the British Regency (1811–1820) or early 19th century. For my money The Bridgertons, specifically Colin and Hyacinth and the fun they bring, are some of the best historical romance characters ever. Francesca’s lips pursed, and Michael could tell she was irritated. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Michael glanced out the window. He shouldn’t have come over in any case. We shall be perfectly safe.” She turned to her husband. [Any scene with Billie and George honestly. He thought he hid his feelings well, but what if she knew? But John had been heir to an earldom. 4,4 von 5 Sternen 80. Just then, Francesca descended the stairs, wrapped in a long velvet cloak of midnight blue. The 2021 Grammy Awards nominations were announced way back on Novemb… He’d come to know Francesca agonizingly well in the past two years, and he knew she didn’t roll her eyes. Michael looked past her shoulder to John, who had raised his newspaper just high enough so that he could pretend he wasn’t listening. She hadn’t meant it that way, of course, but it was how he heard it all the same. Entirely unacceptable. Francesca blue, the color ought to be called. “I’m desperate for a spot of fresh air now that the rain has stopped. John, whose family had taken him in when his father had died. Here he was, strolling through the night with the woman he loved. “Really?” She looked up at him, one corner of her mouth quirking in that achingly familiar way. I told you about at breakfast, if you recall.”, “Make sure you—” She stopped, smiling as she shook her head. Michael had been at loose ends since decommissioning from the army several years back. This shouldn’t be so difficult; it wasn’t as if John and Francesca were acting any differently than was normal. As far as she’d been concerned, the Countess of Kilmartin (herself) was just as important as any loftier title, and she’d more than once sniffed her displeasure when being led into supper after an upstart marchioness or duchess. Sadly Mrs. Julia Quinn said she would not. And, oh, there's ball! “So that we may share the joy,” Billie corrected. All vestiges of daylight had left the sky. He could never have Francesca Bridgerton Stirling. On Dec. 25, what Quinn once assumed was impossible comes true as Bridgerton, a Regency-set romance based on her novels about the Bridgerton … Julie Pottinger (born Julie Cotler in 1970), better known by her pen name Their fathers were twins, but John’s had entered the world seven minutes before Michael’s. Or better yet, find himself a willing woman with long chestnut hair. “Not with two strong men as escorts,” she said, “and besides, the streets in Mayfair are well lit. I would love to read her story!!!! First half of the book was a struggle for me. Billie and George don't get along, and that's mostly because they're pretty much polar opposites, with Billie being the adventurous spirit, while George is more staid (or, to her, the stick in the mud). “You’re younger than I,” Michael said, mostly to be contrary. [No actual love triangle. Welcome back. The Long Journey Home: ... A Clean & Sweet Regency Historical Romance Novel Edith Byrd. She laid her hand on his upper arm. Michael had often wondered if the property —a rather lovely and comfortable manor house with twenty acres— was John’s form of penance. Versand möglich. Finden Sie Top-Angebote für 3 x HISTORICAL GOLD Liebesromane (von der Bridgerton-Autorin Julia Quinn) bei eBay. Michael’s eyes flew to his face. “What shall we do for our anniversary?” Francesca asked as she crossed the room and seated herself at the pianoforte. And he was likely to spend the next hour cataloguing them all in his mind, imagining them being done to him. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Mother's of Violet? For Michael Stirling, London’s most infamous rake, that moment came the first time he laid eyes on Francesca Bridgerton. He took his position in the House of Lords very seriously. Teil 1 Historical Gold 254 Ein Engel für den Duke Teil 2 Historical Gold 261 Ein Ehrenmann und Herzensbrecher + Carole Mortimer Rendezvous im Boudoir Zustand s.Bilder Beide von Julia Quinn VERKAUFT! “I will tell her to leave you alone,” John said, “although you should know that she only nags because she loves you.”. This is by far the funniest of Quinn’s books that I’ve read, and the ship is pure fucking gold. I've already read 9 books about the Bridgteron family, but FUCK YES to a prequel. “Isn’t it a bit late for that?” he asked. “I’ve met your sister,” Michael said quickly. Not I, not John. If she’d had an arrow, she couldn’t have jammed it into his heart any harder. “All of them. All he could have was her smile and her company, and pathetic idiot that he was, he was willing to take it. O-O, A prequel series, does this mean we'll have a Violet Bridgerton story? There can’t be many people in Romancelandia who haven’t at the very least heard of Julia Quinn’s. “It’s already after seven.”, “I’ll be safe enough with Michael to protect me,” she said with a jaunty smile, “but don’t worry, I’ll be quick.” And then she offered her husband a wicked smile. “I prefer you as an open book, myself.”. “What was that, Michael?” John asked, hearing superb as always, damn it. The scene where they were playing the game. After he tells her it was a mistake, she's obviously hurt, but then she agrees to kiss him again?? [Some emotional scenes, but not a tear-jerker novel. Julia Quinn Historical Gold ZAUBER EINER BALLNACHT / Bridgerton. “With the season so close?”, Michael stood, suddenly rather eager to depart. Billie and George don't get along, and that's mostly because they're pretty much polar opposites, with Billie being the adventurous spirit, while George is more staid (or, to her, the stick in the mud). Francesca turned to Michael and smiled, worming her way another inch into his heart. I have no title, no property—”. Because this… This—, John, who, damn it all, was like a brother to him, had been more of a brother to him than his own had been. In every life there is a turning point. And he rather suspected that Francesca wondered the same. Oh God, she stood, and she was walking to him. Anna Julia Cooper iii, 304 p. Xenia, Ohio The Aldine Printing House ... in the subsequent color ripple in Wimodaughsis ought to be sufficient to allay forever any doubts as to the pure gold of these two women. However, overall – you don’t really have to, in my opinion. However you may visit Cookie Settings to provide a controlled consent. He supposed his grandmother had knelt before the Queen, but he certainly couldn’t imagine her offering deference to any other female. “You wound me.” “Happily, I assure you.”, Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Romance (2016), So, who is Billie and George here in Bridgertons? Like Ankon just said, we had a very short story of Violet and Edmund in The Bridgertons Happily Ever After. Kostenlose Lieferung für viele Artikel! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. John could see it in his eyes. She displayed a decided lack of knowledge about baseball, country music, and plush toys, but she is proud to say that she aced all things British and literary, answered all of her history and geography questions correctly, and knew that there was a Da Vinci long before there was a code. #1 New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn loves to dispel the myth that smart women don't read (or write) romance, and and if you watch reruns of the game show The Weakest Link you might just catch her winning the $79,000 jackpot. is an amazing multihost service that allows you to download as a premium user at fast speeds from all major one click hosters including uploaded, rapidgator and filenext with just one premium account! “I don’t mind her nagging,” Michael said. “Be sure to take some laudanum when you return from your meeting,” she said over her shoulder, once they’d reached the door, “since I know you won’t do it now.”. But George does carry Billie, because of her sprained ankle, to Crake House. After a lifetime of chasing women, of smiling slyly as they chased him, of allowing himself to be caught and then turning the tables until he was the victor, of caressing and kissing and making love to them but never actually allowing his heart to become engaged, he took one look at Francesca Bridgerton and fell so fast and so hard into love it was a wonder he managed to remain standing. “Well, that is true,” she admitted. The tomboyish heroine, the I'm-not-sure-what-to-do with-my-life hero were both rather annoying and I had a hard time warming up to them and wishing them HEA. “Will you?” she asked. Quinn is one of the few historical romance authors out there whose books actually sound like a historical … She is definitely not like the woman in 1779. “How could you possibly know you have no talent for it?”, Michael managed a smirk. Julia Quinn. She is full of snark, a tomboy, watches over her father's estate, wears breeches as much as possible, she's just great. It wouldn’t do to be visibly out of sorts. “I need to get my coat.”, “Be quick about it,” John said. Thornton, William Anderson: A Military Expedition to New Mexico The Diary of William Thornton written in 1855 when Jefferson Davis, Secretary of War, sent Major Thornton to New Mexico where he served as Chief of Ordnance of the Dept. Hugh and Sarah were far more amusing in their interactions, imo.)

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